Monday, April 7, 2008

We turned around!!!

Well....we made it to Thunderbolt, GA. We enjoyed a day of dining and shopping in Harbour Town in Hilton Head on Saturday (despite the awful storms), went through Fields Cut with no problem at all, despite warnings to the contrary. We have so many "no-see-um" bites that we don't know where to scratch first! We had contemplated going further south on the outside and had a favorable wind (NE) - just too darned much of it (a story of this trip). After debating back and forth, and with Myrtle Beach Bike Week looming in front of Chris, we decided to turn around. We're in Port Royal today (just 2 miles south of Beaufort, SC) and the marina staff here is absolutely one of the best we've encountered (Thunderbolt was also very good). We're going to meander back to Myrtle Beach and possibly stay there until Bike Week in May - of course, our plans are in sand so we'll decide on the fly. It was kind of disappointing to not make the goal of FL, but there's always next year. We had not met any buddy boats going south - everyone was headed north and we just didn't feel comfortable going on a long ocean run all by ourselves. Hope to see all of you soon before we head north to the Chesapeake!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Guys
Well it was a great shakedown cruise. Probably best to stay safe and cruise next year.Georgia sure does have a bunch of NO-SEE-UMS!
Sorry we won't get to see you in Fl. this cruise. Always next year.