Here's a photo of St. Augustine from the water as we were waiting to go through the Bridge of Lions
We took an "easy" day today to Palm Coast, FL, only 37 miles from St. Augustine. We were so wiped out after that 14 hr. offshore sail that we provisioned in St. Augustine, but never got to the laundry, boat cleaning chores, etc. We had planned on making Daytona Beach, but would have arrived at sunset or after so we thought we'd stop here early and get the rest of the chores done. When we went through the Bridge of Lions this morning, it was a parade of boats - there were 12 of us.
Palm Coast is one of those "weird" places that was hit hard by the housing recession. It has a wonderful marina, a huge parking garage with a big condo complex beside it. Plans originally called for a big hotel on the waterway, but then the recession hit and plans just halted. Now it's a half built planned community and houses here are ridiculously low priced. I don't see how the builders even covered their costs.
We walked about a mile or so to a shopping center of sorts called "European Village". It was very cute, but over half the shops had gone out of business and there wasn't very much activity that we saw. We walked around a few of the shops, came back, made dinner of quesadillas and we'll go to sleep early so we can get an early start.
We have reservations tomorrow at Symrna Beach Yacht Club - a private yacht club, but it has reciprocity with the "River Rat Yacht Club on the Pungo River" which we joined earlier this year when we passed through there.
We had "separation anxiety" today from "Enchantment" since they went on yesterday to Daytona and we stopped in St. Augustine.
Palm Coast is one of those "weird" places that was hit hard by the housing recession. It has a wonderful marina, a huge parking garage with a big condo complex beside it. Plans originally called for a big hotel on the waterway, but then the recession hit and plans just halted. Now it's a half built planned community and houses here are ridiculously low priced. I don't see how the builders even covered their costs.
We walked about a mile or so to a shopping center of sorts called "European Village". It was very cute, but over half the shops had gone out of business and there wasn't very much activity that we saw. We walked around a few of the shops, came back, made dinner of quesadillas and we'll go to sleep early so we can get an early start.
We have reservations tomorrow at Symrna Beach Yacht Club - a private yacht club, but it has reciprocity with the "River Rat Yacht Club on the Pungo River" which we joined earlier this year when we passed through there.
We had "separation anxiety" today from "Enchantment" since they went on yesterday to Daytona and we stopped in St. Augustine.
hey guys, just checking up on ya. wow......florida.....great!! I sure hope its warmer there.....we're in single digit windchills !! keep her moving and stay safe and we will stay tuned
Dana & Jay
OK guys... this is a test! To see if your're "REALLY IN FLORIDA"... what color is the water? LOL! Gratz on making it south! Tracking your every move! Have a great cruise...wish we were there! Donnie and Vickie
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